Tuesday, June 16, 2015


This meme has been created by Marci Flintock. I found this meme on memes.com and it peaked my interest greatly.
The message behind this meme is the income inequality gap between the rich and the poor and it shows how unequal the gap truly is in one image alone of a meme. I found it to be very interesting because when I first looked at it I had no idea of what it was but it caught my eye. The income inequality between the rich and the poor is extreme in most cases and it gives us a visual of how bad the income inequality really is, therefore there is a major problem we must target in the income inequality to make the world a better place.

This link pretty much sums up my childhood of video gaming. It shows Sonic the Hedgehog just running, the reason I chose this was because it reminds me of playing the console Sega Genesis as a child religiously. Every time I see this it completely makes me feel as if im going back in time.

This brand fits our institution perfectly because it gets the point across of who we are and what we are about which is the "Michigan Difference" I believe that there is no better logo in the world because it automatically demands respect and prestige. There are many other logos as well that are nice but there is no logo in the world that makes me prouder to wear because it commands peoples attention and respect, it also is one of the largest if not the largest following in all of college sports.
I believe this logo exactly would fit UM-Dearborn CASL perfectly because its simple it gets the point across and allows people to know that we are part of a higher echelon of students across America. To me there is no comparison to a Michigan degree, only a few of the IVY League schools have a higher respect factor or are more prestigious then the U of M logo.

I believe a video portfolio can work for a lot of other careers because it gets the name out of the person or persons that are featured in the video and it allows for others to see who they really are not just what they hear. The reason I have chose to post a video portfolio on Manny Pacquiao is because he is not only one of the best boxers of this era but also does so much more other then just box.

<iframe width="480" height="311" src="http://www.powtoon.com/embed/bGmeI5VxqUe/ (Links to an external site.)" frameborder="0"></iframe>

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